Turnier-Info: Beat the Dealer, Live Casino Challenge All-in Shootout, €1,000 Added

Poker Stars.it


NL Hold'em, Multi Table

Turnier gestartet

September 19, 2018 04:00




€0,00 + €0,00


1 culetto93 €160.00 21 fabiomi €10.00 41 Wolfy_AA €6.00 61 alebax89 €6.00 81 buscika €0.00
2 stelluccia81 €100.00 22 balfrutta1 €10.00 42 DonChiMon €6.00 62 bartolina85 €6.00 82 KingBobo!32 €0.00
3 alfateos €54.00 23 borsaro €10.00 43 The_Zo0 €6.00 63 Il_prof97 €6.00 83 Vegezio €0.00
4 Arbremagique €54.00 24 Andrea-Juego €10.00 44 Pir4nha8884 €6.00 64 mazdawin €6.00 84 NAPOLEONE811 €0.00
5 manuel79179 €30.00 25 Poldo19733 €10.00 45 robinhood601 €6.00 65 TheSpider100 €0.00 85 Siel17 €0.00
6 THE WELDER76 €30.00 26 ToroBridge64 €10.00 46 10lupenterzo €6.00 66 markino88 €0.00 86 juvenatium €0.00
7 asinooo98 €30.00 27 jokic85 €10.00 47 eee88 €6.00 67 sabit577 €0.00 87 il_Profeta56 €0.00
8 29XVI03DE93 €30.00 28 mattew80300 €10.00 48 Devastation9 €6.00 68 XpeppepokerX €0.00 88 PiCicio3 €0.00
9 deliria73 €20.00 29 Rajon1996 €10.00 49 pons72 €6.00 69 173940144 €0.00 89 lampedusa86 €0.00
10 david05118 €20.00 30 ZANNAAX €10.00 50 WhineForLife €6.00 70 doubleuzee €0.00 90 tolla13 €0.00
11 Ciciarampa78 €20.00 31 oliver0874 €10.00 51 MangoHaze96 €6.00 71 Doppiosboron €0.00 91 ferrone1982 €0.00
12 freegame_71 €20.00 32 danyx46 €10.00 52 auguref €6.00 72 U'remy3 €0.00 92 lu.de.bluff €0.00
13 dokkin €20.00 33 Fracalbuto €6.00 53 danydany51 €6.00 73 drantox €0.00 93 TerzoOcchio €0.00
14 redifiori96 €20.00 34 FrengoLegend €6.00 54 StreetBarbon €6.00 74 freditaly7 €0.00 94 lavolpe007 €0.00
15 DIVOPRINZ69 €20.00 35 M.Martina74 €6.00 55 Grignus €6.00 75 NUTinLOVE €0.00 95 mat_r87 €0.00
16 Guess1785 €20.00 36 pokeristaxy €6.00 56 gigio3226 €6.00 76 luca.968 €0.00 96 Sokarat €0.00
17 silla145 €10.00 37 PallinaVerde €6.00 57 edoalberto57 €6.00 77 Marcok1987 €0.00 97 ennos86 €0.00
18 AGUACATE08 €10.00 38 lucidofolle €6.00 58 CeleChance €6.00 78 davix1975 €0.00 98 peppetonia €0.00
19 gianp13 €10.00 39 NOTARO10 €6.00 59 GPinvictus €6.00 79 SissiPincher €0.00 99 saudok77 €0.00
20 stepxxx91 €10.00 40 sides73 €6.00 60 filpapa91 €6.00 80 zumu88 €0.00 100 lukino1976 €0.00