Turnier-Info: $4.50 NL Hold'em [180 Players]

Poker Stars


NL Hold'em, Sit & Go

Turnier gestartet

Juni 15, 2017 17:11




$4,10 + $0,40


1 josyyane $221.49 21 1obanoff $4.79 41 Mr Cr0c0 $0.00 61 GuiDinardix $0.00 81 420fer $0.00
2 Ribo_01 $147.60 22 chess1000 $4.79 42 leoking0619 $0.00 62 Hanulcz $0.00 82 rotaledo1 $0.00
3 A.OSSUCCI $84.13 23 tschepetoo $4.79 43 THE SMARTFOX $0.00 63 waltdisneyem $0.00 83 PavanaTTo23 $0.00
4 g88r1e1 $54.61 24 dosensocken $4.79 44 azt00 $0.00 64 linehe $0.00 84 FullWillM $0.00
5 red halfoat $42.80 25 JUSTlNO $4.79 45 Merlochess $0.00 65 dan d man05 $0.00 85 ownagemind $0.00
6 AAnacleTTo $31.73 26 shit599 $4.79 46 RusBay $0.00 66 HMoro113 $0.00 86 Gabagreid $0.00
7 marllonpinto $22.14 27 xgolyx $4.79 47 tela_quente $0.00 67 IndioCapile $0.00 87 lekkabrot $0.00
8 kile28 $16.23 28 13/27th $0.00 48 IsPady $0.00 68 eduximi $0.00 88 Dizinfektor $0.00
9 andreyZF14 $11.07 29 praslov1 $0.00 49 jeniaoo7 $0.00 69 mos77reg $0.00 89 Maloi277 $0.00
10 ThLokol $7.01 30 coupfort $0.00 50 Zhaaba $0.00 70 gilbertinio $0.00 90 bretty12345 $0.00
11 maxitopf $7.01 31 ohni88 $0.00 51 skyeve $0.00 71 Allexsandrr $0.00 91 ISultanchikI $0.00
12 The Rachel $7.01 32 AnnaTang $0.00 52 Gerson'GR' $0.00 72 s4ntinelas $0.00 92 pilifish $0.00
13 Rapha Vitoi $7.01 33 ugin118 $0.00 53 Boromandoom $0.00 73 Pandda'xx $0.00 93 leobuc $0.00
14 iBluffYouFold $7.01 34 felipaum31 $0.00 54 Sh4ring@N $0.00 74 anfisegorova $0.00 94 jojulian $0.00
15 EsoX PL $7.01 35 KorstenViLa $0.00 55 adanali19 $0.00 75 deviltmn $0.00 95 GGJacob $0.00
16 fatlips88 $7.01 36 99-MSI $0.00 56 Niels6520 $0.00 76 MacBeutie $0.00 96 papickads $0.00
17 qUzUp $7.01 37 m.alecs88 $0.00 57 woody856 $0.00 77 AJIEKC42 $0.00 97 Brahman77 $0.00
18 Gregori542 $7.01 38 Durao013 $0.00 58 Drawmind $0.00 78 Bzinsly $0.00 98 rapiando $0.00
19 realmaarky $4.79 39 shevalex09 $0.00 59 wrong monkey $0.00 79 davosneal $0.00 99 Tomicsu23 $0.00
20 meMatschke $4.79 40 swooshman X $0.00 60 sasanga91 $0.00 80 deflob177 $0.00 100 5m0key $0.00