Turnier-Info: Spin of the Day All-in Shootout, €500 added

Poker Stars.it


NL Hold'em, Multi Table

Turnier gestartet

Januar 27, 2020 08:00




€0,00 + €0,00


1 Andtomeda €100.00 21 camuls02 €5.00 41 cruceamati90 €2.50 61 DDDEINO €2.50 81 theking8600 €0.00
2 bleffator88 €50.00 22 Wsantarusulia €5.00 42 Menton575 €2.50 62 diba1105 €2.50 82 rompicoioni70 €0.00
3 antimino87 €25.00 23 volpino9 €5.00 43 checco0077 €2.50 63 mastrotitta7 €2.50 83 sindy19901985 €0.00
4 AssoVerdeKk €25.00 24 jufenomeno5 €5.00 44 cailander €2.50 64 bluberry8.1 €2.50 84 tessit9 €0.00
5 Primordialph €15.00 25 violoncello6 €5.00 45 giuseppe tundo €2.50 65 entony4666 €0.00 85 151tessy €0.00
6 gameover167 €15.00 26 lillo160697 €5.00 46 cristin5530 €2.50 66 LUPO77 €0.00 86 quesra €0.00
7 l'avvocato69 €15.00 27 mecueci64 €5.00 47 chiello2194 €2.50 67 Pino_53_CC €0.00 87 gamon1967 €0.00
8 simonaiglioz €15.00 28 War97friend €5.00 48 xx-KOBRA-xxx €2.50 68 mikangel76 €0.00 88 hernanes13 €0.00
9 69berto69 €10.00 29 luckyshmock111 €5.00 49 GIANKY2011 €2.50 69 luca1759 €0.00 89 brodeibro89 €0.00
10 Elena6811 €10.00 30 luckynino84 €5.00 50 consuelo870 €2.50 70 Jacklk €0.00 90 MADONIA4 €0.00
11 iosonoste €10.00 31 jakal686 €5.00 51 petrola77 €2.50 71 CutKiller4 €0.00 91 PaRaDiiZe1 €0.00
12 nellanto €10.00 32 omi09 €5.00 52 poghiis €2.50 72 lucarozzano €0.00 92 loboself €0.00
13 nasketta94 €10.00 33 likil94 €2.50 53 Giobart89 €2.50 73 SeaofAngel €0.00 93 patatunzo €0.00
14 Pomponazzi €10.00 34 kikko2020 €2.50 54 fedekikka91 €2.50 74 saut85 €0.00 94 A__rolock__A €0.00
15 Gundam9266 €10.00 35 alema2013 €2.50 55 50mifo €2.50 75 frontera1987 €0.00 95 benza33 €0.00
16 beppe5165 €10.00 36 azzarovince €2.50 56 vizzo94 €2.50 76 icognati €0.00 96 unicaesola77 €0.00
17 antonio0133 €5.00 37 Four_K_76 €2.50 57 leda_elons €2.50 77 relyk18 €0.00 97 blackskull82 €0.00
18 ilpapa7tette €5.00 38 khri69 €2.50 58 K3v1r0n €2.50 78 ducadauber €0.00 98 96Lampard96 €0.00
19 Lucyllabel €5.00 39 ucn1973 €2.50 59 Altair527 €2.50 79 valebart €0.00 99 tibio1993 €0.00
20 sciveghen €5.00 40 perlucdabab €2.50 60 michele200 €2.50 80 spiffero05 €0.00 100 Stefano79323 €0.00
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