Turnier-Info: The Nightly Hundred Grand

Poker Stars


NL Hold'em, Multi Table

Turnier gestartet

Mai 24, 2009 01:00




$150,00 + $12,00


1 Micodala $19,000.00 21 pullshot1 $600.00 41 chinchati $500.00 61 Mentosan $440.00 81 PacMann $0.00
2 sakpoker $14,000.00 22 ramy559 $600.00 42 RaXoZa $500.00 62 MixtaHuxtabl $440.00 82 FloGatorsSuk $0.00
3 Jetfanmack $10,250.00 23 ff7bigfan $600.00 43 serlova $500.00 63 thiness $440.00 83 NZDENA $0.00
4 gsdlines $7,800.00 24 Raymundo100 $600.00 44 PokerGirl333 $500.00 64 d0nutiny $0.00 84 kevinn41 $0.00
5 cRRusher $5,500.00 25 Winrs/Edge $600.00 45 man1a $500.00 65 PH Albatross $0.00 85 JasonGray $0.00
6 rastafari898 $4,250.00 26 The Jackal x $600.00 46 South_AAusie $470.00 66 loseevryflop $0.00 86 Purken $0.00
7 knickadam55 $3,250.00 27 TheReader23 $600.00 47 what is 7x6 $470.00 67 sindy2 $0.00 87 haso3333 $0.00
8 THE D0NAT0R $2,250.00 28 twelvetrain $550.00 48 Trazamanna $470.00 68 lassecruz $0.00 88 mikethamouth $0.00
9 UfPokerstar1 $1,660.00 29 APRENDIZ URU $550.00 49 Zee15 $470.00 69 xx HaZ $0.00 89 AreTheseUtz $0.00
10 pokerhahntas $1,200.00 30 DG Chaz $550.00 50 drewsbox $470.00 70 jofusv2 $0.00 90 VietCutie $0.00
11 Exitonly4 $1,200.00 31 kendizzo212 $550.00 51 xceller $470.00 71 palaun $0.00 91 GothamSvelte $0.00
12 dunny03 $1,200.00 32 magma82 $550.00 52 scottypeel $470.00 72 FRAMEKINGS $0.00 92 safedweller $0.00
13 Ken Dasilva $1,000.00 33 Loonbat $550.00 53 sirrich111 $470.00 73 The_Rake828 $0.00 93 deuce8979 $0.00
14 Renaud $1,000.00 34 knish8088 $550.00 54 gotte88 $470.00 74 fviolantept $0.00 94 intimad8or32 $0.00
15 Umbongo52 $1,000.00 35 JAM N 22 $550.00 55 dbase22 $440.00 75 LChaney $0.00 95 PitBrett $0.00
16 PreshaDrop $800.00 36 specialas $550.00 56 peksek $440.00 76 wagnercs $0.00 96 Asgermo $0.00
17 Moosengoose $800.00 37 adgator $500.00 57 antialias $440.00 77 yadio $0.00 97 Conductor69 $0.00
18 mathisje $800.00 38 IAmTheDisco $500.00 58 wiclefe $440.00 78 allininuk $0.00 98 Greg890 $0.00
19 Hikkespett $600.00 39 jimmyzhou $500.00 59 donnalee $440.00 79 skeptix $0.00 99 bnape_34 $0.00
20 gutshtallin $600.00 40 ChodeZilla $500.00 60 crazy169 $440.00 80 whoohoooo... $0.00 100 0210736969 $0.00
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