Turnier-Info: The winner of this incredible tournament not only takes home the lion’s share of the €40000 guarantee, but also a bonus prize which changes every week!



NL Hold'em, Multi Table

Turnier gestartet

Juli 06, 2014 11:30




€9,00 + €1,00


1 ben497 €7,419.95 21 Feel High V €202.22 41 rasengan64 €101.11 61 YAYAPOOK €71.37 81 socmydick €59.47
2 PennywiseDK €5,710.49 22 cooper.fr €166.54 42 pistolpepite €101.11 62 1karma2fish €71.37 82 indashark €53.53
3 pazennais €5,170.28 23 Rafael Ladal €166.54 43 Totolefishou €95.16 63 mengenges92 €71.37 83 nono66130 €53.53
4 Nack €3,253.48 24 Sadokino85 €166.54 44 cherem16 €95.16 64 MakenROI €65.42 84 MermozCall €53.53
5 sebostar95 €2,272.08 25 soclAA €148.69 45 LittleBigEd €95.16 65 MichMich_54 €65.42 85 audesusenbas €53.53
6 clip 65 €1,552.39 26 vienas €148.69 46 guem6969 €89.21 66 oopsss €65.42 86 Born2Gambl3 €53.53
7 WIN_LUCKY_13 €1,231.21 27 angelus03198 €148.69 47 thatsguyom €89.21 67 lebeufa €65.42 87 feizhou €53.53
8 kineto57 €945.71 28 lechooove €130.85 48 backbeat56 €89.21 68 Malgachie €65.42 88 Le Comte MC €53.53
9 FRIC-FRAC 67 €666.16 29 fIatrick €130.85 49 _miam_miam_ €83.27 69 lejack64 €65.42 89 aesmir €53.53
10 oxxo59 €428.24 30 luckyspell €130.85 50 King L-James €83.27 70 bigmasta25 €65.42 90 pitu 10104 €53.53
11 pasteque83 €428.24 31 tibch €118.95 51 KurisuMakise €83.27 71 HoodyDan €65.42 91 KK-QUICALL €47.58
12 AwarA €428.24 32 sebjun69 €118.95 52 frederico50 €77.32 72 nimbin_86 €65.42 92 petrusseP €47.58
13 ROBOTSLOBOTS €327.13 33 Robinho3101 €118.95 53 Honeee €77.32 73 nosistra €59.47 93 LaCigalette €47.58
14 pei67 €327.13 34 to0muchd0nks €113.00 54 ANTILOPSA €77.32 74 bomberjack60 €59.47 94 VINCE_G x €47.58
15 SexyShark €327.13 35 euzebus €113.00 55 Deonisos €71.37 75 Lutxo €59.47 95 jslebak64 €47.58
16 Crok-Madame €243.86 36 Abra5 €113.00 56 Raykingfish5 €71.37 76 jprendtoupou €59.47 96 bboynene €47.58
17 DJIR1.87 €243.86 37 J0J0_54 €107.06 57 Teddybertin €71.37 77 winduuu €59.47 97 filoo3030 €47.58
18 dadou 86200 €243.86 38 PostFlop €107.06 58 Zona_Kill €71.37 78 renoun €59.47 98 Lasvegas-68 €47.58
19 leking21 €202.22 39 AdiosMF €107.06 59 iceman8870 €71.37 79 eddiekhaan €59.47 99 gk82 €47.58
20 nenes76 €202.22 40 Pat.G.J. €101.11 60 NoRagePlease €71.37 80 BadbeatGob €59.47 100 SurrenderS €47.58
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